Rigged Grandfather Clock

PBR3D in Models

**Rigged Grandfather Clock**

- 100% quad design.

- All Textures created in Substance Painter and exported in 4K PBR (Roughness/Metallic) formats.

- Fully Rigged

- Logically named objects, materials and textures.

- Modelled in Blender 2.83.2

- Textured in Substance Painter 2020.1.3.

- Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3.

- modelled to real world scales.


   GrandfatherClock - Approx 2.7cm tall, 54cm wide, 27cm deep.

- Fully and efficiently UV unwrapped onto a single UV map.

- Showcase animation applied to model, 360 frames, 30fps. Includes hand movement, weight movement an pendulum swing.

- Tested in Marmoset toolbag, EEVEE and Cycles.


**Rigged Elements**

- Root (Moves entire model) - Contstrained to translate and rotate on floor.

- Minute-Hand - Constrained to rotate on clockface.

- Hour-Hand - Constrained to rotate on clockface.

- Pendulum - Constrained to rotate on pivot point.

- Weight-1, -2 and -3 - Constrained to translate along local vertical axis.


**Formats included**

.Blend - Native

.FBX (Baked Animation) 



**Objects in each file format**

- GrandfatherClock (Model Collection)






- Widgets (Custom Rig shapes Collection)







**Textures included in .png format.**

GrandfatherClock - 4K - 

- Diffuse

- Roughness

- Normal - (OpenGL Unity standard, Invert green channel to convert to DirectX Unreal standard)

- Metallic

- Alpha


**Poly Counts (According to Blender inspection tools).**

- Face count: 16,167

- Vert count: 17,372

- Triangulated count: 32,334


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 2.83
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Rigged, Animated, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free