Revolution Kit - Uprising
What is this product & How will it benefit me:
Revolution kit is a kitbash of elements enabling you to fast track revolution, uprisings, protest, demonstration type 3d scenes by providing the core elements all in one place. This pack is expanding an new content will constantly be added to it.
What are some of the elements I will be purchasing:
In addition to the above, this kit will constantly expand - new content will be free for anyone that have purchased the pack.
Also, there e are 3 versions of each model, standard, damaged and deformed. this creates variety within the pack
Model formats:
The pack is supplied in Blender Native as well as other popular formats
The pack is not low poly
Texture formats:
All textures are PNG 2048x2048
All objects have UVS in line with the few shown below:
Objects have vertex colors assigned for ease of use in Substance Painter (Texture Vertex by ID):
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