Raptorex Maker Muscle System Rig 2.8
This is one of the most advanced rig I have ever created with over 1500 hrs of work and study, with trial and errors to find the best possible ways to make such a rig. Now this work is paying off, i am currently working with a partner on ways to automate the creation process of this types of rig by means of an addon, which will also be much more advance then this one.
In the meantime, this rig is the closest thing and currently the most advance rig on the entire blender market. Maybe you think its expensive for this, but its not, to pay someone like me to do this at 30$ per hrs would cost you at least $45 000. A minimum wage (half) its still 22 500$ to build such a rig. To figure it out for yourself would most likely take you just as long if not more. I've been doing this for 20 years. Save yourself the trouble ;)
Few animations included, maybe more will be added.
There is fur feathers already but hidden by default.
Revenues generated from this model will help greatly support me and my family as well as helping me to finance the current muscle system addon that I am developing with my awesome partner. The new muscle system is much more advance then this current one but this one is the one that got the ball rolling. For that matter I made it so it can generate an entire crowd of this once real a long time ago Raptorex dinosaur (which I really think is a juvenile T-Rex of some kind especially when muscles and fat are cranked up)
Don't forget to leave your e-mail on purchase to be notified of major updates (sooner then you might think) as well as special discounts on any future anatomical rigged models made with & without our addon as well as the addon itself when it'll be ready.
1% of the sales goes to BF to help them further support blender 2.8
Thank you very so kindly for your awesome support!
Update v1.01:
- Added 1 animation made by Luciano Munoz
- Made it easier to start with and updated the documentation with a 30 minute video explaining the rig and how it all works.
Please download the latest version and don't hesitation to contact me on here if you have any issues. I usually reply within 24hrs. Most of the time, a lot sooner ;) Updates will always be free.
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