Ragdoll 2.0 Rig

by Kaletale Outlet in Models

We are proud to introduce the new update for "Ragdoll" to the artists and animators. This product is designed to help people make their projects quickly and easily. Using fully rigged characters, many filmmakers are able to use those characters in their next projects without the stress of modeling from scratch. This product helps the team out because once the character is completed everyone is able to re-use the characters for their other projects over and over again. The characters have thoroughly been tested and are in fully working condition and are ready for everyone to use. Here at Cingle, we can produce products for filmmakers and artists to use for their projects quickly and easily with pre-built characters.

Cingle is an online multi-superstore that produces character rigs, sets, and assets for your next project.


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Sales 10+
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 3.5
Render Engine Used Eevee, Freestyle
License Creative Commons
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