Quick Uv Projector

nattawat in Addons

Quick UV Projector

Fitting the uv with background in a sec!

Are you tired of the standard UV projection from view that requires you to adjust the UV every time? Here's a quick solution: with a single click, you can effortlessly match the UV with the background in 3d space

Want to know how this addon improve your workflow speed?

See the example video here

skip to 4:40 to see the Quick UV projection addon showcase
this video is 1x speed not spedup 

Working in any angles and scale ,the UV is based on 3d space

this addon will detect the background border and project UV based on how your model place inside the bound of background image

want to switch texture?

just move your model over your prefer texture this addon will detect nearest background and create texture material for you 

Adjust the UV while sculpting ,edit the shape!?

Yes this addon can be working with sculpt mode ,edit mode and object mode ,you can sculpt to adjust the shape to fit with background and project texture directly in sculpt mode

Multi Angle Projection & Materials

Select your prefer faces then quick mapping and assign new materials to your model

Super Simple UI

Only 2 button and a material option with fully instructions 

1.First button is "Auto UV Project From View"

This button is for whole model projection with single material ,can be working in Object mode ,Edit mode and Sculpt mode

2.Second button is "UV Mapping for Selected Faces & New Material"

This button only working in Edit mode you need to select the faces that you want to UV project first then click this button only the selected faces will be UV project and assign to new material

3.Use Existing Material 

If this option is disable everytime you click 1.,2. button new material will be create
If this option is enable addon will check if there is a matched material name then assign for you 

**Known limitation**

1.background shouldn't be mirror ,have minus value scale or Stretching

2.the model need to be inside the background border

3.This addon only work in ,Front ,Sides ,Top ,Back ,Under View 
,to make sure it's work properly you need to get in the prefers view first then add background ,if you add background in different view you need to rotate the background into your prefer view (can't be mirror) 


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Published 9 days ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
Extension Type N/A
License Editorial