Quick Lighting Kit

by Liryc Creative Design Studio in Addons

"Quick Lighting Kit"

29 different lighting collections for easy setup💫

  • 29 professional lighting collections

  • Five different tree shadow materials
  • Three types of tree shadow animations
  • Addon support
  • Cycles & Eeeve support

Detailed usage instructions are available in the tutorial.

Select the desired light from the sidebar and click the “Create” button to add the light to the scene.
Check the “Light Only” checkbox to add only the light, or uncheck it to add the light and the backsheet together.

Lights can also be moved individually. For detailed adjustment, please use the light properties.
You can select the intensity and color of the light in the sidebar.
You can also choose to enable or disable viewport and render.

The lighting collection of Nos. 26-29 has a lighting animation that loops at 120F.

Backsheets have adjustable rounded corners with beveled modifier properties.


Created by X:@thehalaldesign

Compatible version : Blender 3.6~

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Addon's designer is AI-Desel

We support the Blender Foundation.

We love blenders! We want to be part of its development. We will donate a portion of our profits to help the Blender Foundation grow.

【Commercial use

Commercial use is permitted if this asset is used as part of a work or production.

You are free to modify the mesh data and materials. Redistribution or sale of this asset data as is for the purpose of supporting Blender artists' production activities is prohibited.

  • 29 lighting collections, addon, future updates, no attribution required

  • 29 lighting collections, addon, future updates, no attribution required, for studios with 2-5 seats

  • 29 lighting collections, addon, future updates, no attribution required, for studios with 6-10 seats


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Sales 100+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Creative Commons