Quick Collection Visibility

by Blender.Fun in Addons

This add-on can quickly add keyframes to show/hide objects in collections.

There are often situations in Blender where you like to hide or show all objects of a collection. Sometimes you may even want to keyframe that, e.g. you have a rigged car and animate it by follow path and then it should fall off a cliff, you would have the rigged car in one collection and a rigid body copy of the mesh in another collection. With this add-on, you would only have to go to the keyframe, select your collection and press the shortcut S. Then all objects of your selected collection will be keyframed (hide_render = True).

Of course, you could do this also manually. But that's the advantage of my add-on: it's a time safer!

In the preferences of the add-on, you can define youor preferred keys:

In your 3D viewport, you can choose which keyframes should be set:

- just render keyframes (hide_render)

- just viewport keyframes (hide_viewport)

- both

- if objects in subdirectories should also be keyframed or not


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Sales 10+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2
License GPL
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keyframe Add-on addon 3d animation object visibility