Quick City Geometrynodes
This lightweigt, yet heavy lifting blend file provides a geometrynodes setup for unlimited cityscapes. Please make sure to use it with blender version 3.1 and upwards as it relys on extrude-node which is not available in blender 3.0. The Streetlevel is not the main focus of this geometrynodes setup, it is intended for wider shots while still being believable in the small details. However being procedural you can easily swap the low poly models for the sidewalk and roof assets for your own and be golden.
Here is how it works
Here you have an infinitely scalable city, with moving cars, sidewalk people, trash bins, lamps - the assets can be replaced in the respective collections, so that you can instantly jump from proxy to high detailed model for rendering. So although it is intended for wider shots you can still get close ups from it using highpoly assets in your collections.
The Buildings each have a unique look. With sliders, it is easily adjustable to mimmick more modern or older buildings i.e. less steep roofs etc. The roofs are splattered with antennas and climate-installation to further the realistic look. The City has a material that is easily adjustable. Also, the shape of the buildings can be adjusted so they do not each look square.
I have been using this setup for several shots in the background as well as for "fake" drone footage as a intro to a movie - it saves volumes of time! The materials are all procedural and interconnect with the geometrynodes-setup, so that for every seed you get a different look, for cars, buildings and sidewalk assets.
It is suitable for night time shots, althought that might be improved in future versions.
Quick City provides a way to fast iterate on background cities. Being completely procedural, this blend has to have a place in everyone's asset folder.
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3d urban city building asset city 3d city asset blender city addon add-ons for city geon geometrynodes