Qol Tools: Hud-Dimensions

by QOL Tools in Addons

HUD - Dimensions

Now available as a Blender 4.2 EXTENSION format addon!

  An always on at-a-glance displaying the actual size of objects.


 Everyday problem: You know when you wonder how big an object is? (Are you sure it's that size?) For example, whether a wall section is actually 3.25 metrs long and 10cm thick ? 

There are a few things you can do. For example:

• Create a new cube, scale it with a little math and then compare it. 
• Use the measure tool, but that requires manual placement and snapping.
• Open the NPanel and dig to the item tab and look for the dimensions there, but it doesn't tell you in relative sizes (0.025, is that 25cm or 25mm? etc) and you always have to have the Npanel open at that tab or navigate.   Plus it only tells you the size of the active object.

Nothing! .. because:

With HUD Dimensions. You just know :)

   To find the size of an object in Blender there are dimensions available in the NPanel. They're really useful. GOD KNOWS why they buried it !?  Why isn't it visible anywhere else in the Blender UI ? (And who the hell want NPanel open if you don't have to ?)

    Personally, I don't like having the NPanel open unless I have to. I want this sort of information available to glance at and check anytime. HUD speeds up workflow and just makes life more enjoyable in Blender.

 PLUS .. it's easily customisable. You can place it and color it any way you like:


Also included is the option of simply changing the size of an object (remember, size has nothing to do with scale!.. It's completely independant!).  Simply assigned your own preferred hotkey to the supplied button and you can set the size of an object directly.

Bonus!  There's also an option of a warning color if the object scale is wrong!. 
This helps identify problems with textures before they're an issue :)  

When I started programming this just for myself, I genuinely didn't realise how useful it would suddenly become to me. I love it! It actually changes my productivity in so many scenarios. There will be more HUD addons to come!


Note that this addon is also included for free as part of the discounted QOL Tools: Full Collection package! (All addons are always added as free to this collection forever!)

Available here:


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Sales 40+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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