Procedural Cloth Sewing Toolbox For Blender 4.2+

Alexandre Albisser in Modifier Setups

The Cloth Sewing Toolbox is a collection of procedural tools making use of Blender's geometry or shader nodes to add intricate and fully procedural sewing details to garments in a few clicks from simple vertex group selections, and this even after simulation or animation thanks to UV space computing. The tools allows to add stitches, hems, seams, bias bindings, taping, bonding, buttons, surface bound patches, seam puckering, and more.

This tool aims to improve the garment making and animating workflow, by mimicking features found inside Marvelous Designer/Clo 3D and Substance Painter as well as providing a bunch of new tools to work more efficiently inside Blender. It allows to work on really simple meshes for animation and add all details, trims and more after the fact in a fully procedural and stable way.
In any case, everything created with the tool can still be baked, whether in textures or geometry for export to work in other softwares of your pipeline, although bake features are not specifically provided in this asset pack.

The main features under the hood are a workflow to exchange data between your mesh with selected edge groups and splines generated along those, and UV space computing which allows the generation of geometry and attributes in the stable UV space before moving everything back to the object space with its deformation and animation. This generally allows the generation of curved geometry, and also a bunch of custom shading attributes in a kind of local space along the selection.

With all tools provided, you can basically turn a simple single-part simulated mesh in a really complex model with sewn panels, topstitches, extruded hems and so on, which would otherwise make the simulation uselessly complex and heavy, as well as procedural shaded seam puckering or stitch creases which would otherwise have to be hand painted along the edges.

As all tools mimick the sewing of real garments, the order of operation is really important. Like you would first sew the back and front panels of a shirt, and then the sleeve, and finally hems, you should put some thought or take time to experiment with the order of the modifiers generating those features.

Forget about surface deform modifiers, with this tool you can bind curves, solid objects such as buttons or deforming ones such as patches, pockets and more, to the deforming surface of the mesh by just placing your objects on a UV unwrapped version of the mesh to bind it automatically, with or without deformation, much like in Marvelous Designer/Clo 3D.

Most of the tools were developped through a series of tutorials on my YouTube channel, which you can access on this playlist.

The complete documentation is hosted on my website: visit the complete documentation

All video tutorials for the tools in this asset pack are available in this playlist

The only prerequisites are a simple model properly set up with a UV Map without overlaps and Blender 4.2 or above.

This tool contains:

  • 14 Node Based Sewing Tools
  • 10 Preset Hem Profiles
  • 8 Preset Stitch Types
  • 4 Preset Seam Profiles
  • 1 Procedural Fabric Shader
  • 1 Example Garment

What's next? On future updates you can expect the addition of tools to create procedural and animatable zippers, straps, bucles, velcro, frayed edges, and more.

  • Full Cloth Sewing Toolbox + Future Updates

  • Full Cloth Sewing Toolbox + Future Updates + Priority Support + Impact on Development


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Sales 20+
Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
License Royalty Free