Procedural Pattern Generator

by Daniel Grove Designs in Surfacing

Harness the power of procedural math with these premade and fully tweakable patterns! Use them for texture layering, masking, displacement, normals, and much more.

These 13 patterns are fully tweakable with UV, scale, blur, size, and other unique parameters for each pattern.

Take them to the next level by combining via normals or mix RGB's to create your own unique patterns for all kinds of uses.

Use individual node groups for each pattern or use the mixer node that contains all the nodes and allows you to easily switch between the patterns.


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Sales 40+
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free