Procedural Escalator

by UH Studio in Models

This is a procedural escalator for Blender, capable of being adjusted to any desired height. Useful for architectural projects, games, environments, animations, dystopian scenes, anything really. It can also easily be exported as a baked object to use with any other 3d program or game engine.  

Here is a video showing how they have been produced

There are two versions of the model: low poly and high poly. 

High Poly

The high poly version is useful for closeups and high realism where the relief of the steps has been modeled. It also useful in scenes with few escalators.

Here is an example scene with the high poly model (note that the scene is not included)

Low Poly

The low poly version is the same as the high poly except that the relief on the steps hasn't been modeled and instead uses a texture. The advantage is the significant lightweight of the model which still looks great from distance. This model is useful for scenes where many escalators may be needed at the same time. 

Note that scenes portrayed in some of the demo images are not included with the escalator models. They are shown for demo purposes to understand the model in context.

  • High poly version without relief detail of the steps

  • Low poly version without relief detail of the steps

  • Save by buying both versions together


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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 2.91, 2.9, 2.83
License Royalty Free