Potted Young Red Leaved Tree 1

in Models

A young potted red leaved tree with grass. This model is mainly for filling your architectural or any outdoor scenes with that extra touch of life and color.It is decent from closeup too but not mainly created for closeup shots. This model has it's particle systems still active for that open chance to tweak or add to the tree and grass sections. All the objects and particle settings have been named for easy finding and use. Textures have their needed alphas,specs and bump maps all packed in. The leaf texture has a normal map used rather than bump map. They are all in a nice resolution state for a nice crisp and clear look. Nodes have all also been named nicely in their own groups. With this tree model you are getting very useful node settings especially the leaves which  allow a low poly state using alpha maps while allowing realistic spec maps to be used in addition without ruining the alpha effect.All the object parts have been named and also separated  conveniently. The same goes for the materials and shaders. So all you have to do is drop it in any one of your projects and all the textures, material and shaders are sorted for you, as you see in the renders above. Please note that the tiled ground,background or any part of the scenery are not included it is simply the plantations and and pot with the compost with it that are the actual products here.


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Published over 10 years ago
Software Version 2.6x, 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free