over 1 year ago
Hi, thanks for the review.
While the course leader does use photoshop throughout the course lessons; the course is built around using Blenders render pass system and layers to be able to professionally process them in post… the product page details clearly state this and we make it clear that all the work done in photoshop can be done in any image manipulation tool that supports layers like; GIMP or Affinity etc. The course (name intended) is a post-processing course, not a photoshop course. It also comes with an addon for Blender to easily automate and export the passes you want or need to “postPROcess”.
While you may be correct in that you contacted for a refund. You did not do so in 2022 as the course was not released then. I would also ask why you waited 9 months to contact us again if… And if you spoke to ourselves regarding a refund and it was agreed, then the failure to provide that was not done by us (The creators) as we cannot process refunds. I would suggest you contact Blender Market support for an update on this. That would have been the better course of action than to leave a poor rating and a review which borders on the defamatory.
Regarding delivery being possible on YouTube, we could have also delivered the course via CD but we chose to use a platform that made sense.
I would advise going forward, if you see a product has a free version that you download and use that to make a decision on whether that product is right for you. This way nobodies money or time is wasted.