Plant Models Vol 42 Blender
Maxtree Plant Models Vol 42 is a collection of high-quality 3D succulent plant models. Includes 12 species, total 72 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Bergeranthus multiceps ['Bergeranthus']
- Cotyledon tomentosa ['Bear's Paw Succulent']
- Crassula perforata ['String Of Buttons']
- Echeveria mexensis ['Echeveria Cuspidata']
- Haworthia cymbiformis ['Cathedral Window Haworthia']
- Kalanchoe tomentosa ['Chocolate Soldier']
- Orbea pulchella ['Podanthes Pulchella']
- Portulacaria afra ['Purslane Tree','Elephant Food','Pailulacaria Afra']
- Sedum lineare ['Needle Stonecrop']
- Sedum rubrotinctum ['Jelly Bean Plant']
- Sempervivum tectorum ['Common Houseleek']
- Senecio rowleyanus ['Curio Rowleyanus','String Of Pearls']
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herbs landscape plants high poly maxtree succulents houseplants garden succulent-plant roof-plants