Plant Models Vol 160 Blender
Plant Models Vol 160 is a collection of high-quality 3D Plant models. Includes 12 species, total 72 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Achillea millefolium[Yarrow, Common yarrow]
- Buddleja davidii[Summer lilac, Butterfly bush, Chinese sagewood]
- Corylus avellana[Common hazel, European hazel]
- Crataegus laevigata[Midland hawthorn, Woodland hawthorn]
- Crataegus monogyna[Common hawthorn, Oneseed hawthorn]
- Dahlia pinnata[Garden dahlia]
- Malus rudolph[Crab apple rudolph, Crabapple rudolph]
- Myosotis alpestris[Alpine forget me not]
- Rosa canina[Dog rose]
- Salix viminalis[Basket willow, Osier, Common osier]
- Sorbus domestica[Cormus domestica, Service tree, Sorb tree]
- Ulmus procera[English elm]
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