Plant Models Vol 153 Blender
Plant Models Vol 153 is a collection of high-quality 3D alpine shrub models. Includes 12 species, total 72 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Berberis silva taroucana[Berberis]
- Caragana sinica[Chinese peashrub]
- Cotoneaster microphyllus[Small leaved cotoneaster, Littleleaf cotoneaster]
- Dasiphora fruticosa[Shrubby cinquefoil, Golden hardhack, Bush cinquefoil, Tundra rose]
- Hippophae rhamnoides[Seaberry]
- Juniperus procumbens[Garden juniper, Japanese juniper, Japanese garden juniper]
- Rhododendron cephalanthum[Rhododendron]
- Rosa transmorrisonensis[Rose]
- Sabina pingii[Ping’s juniper, Juniperus pingii]
- Salix takasagoalpina koid[Willow]
- Sophora viciifolia[Sophora, Sophora davidii]
- Verbascum thapsus[Great mullein]
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groundcover alpine maxtree 3d-shrub 3d-bush highpoly 3DPlantModels 3d ornamental