Plant Models Vol 152 is a collection of high-quality 3D Australian Plant models. Includes 13 species, total 78 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Banksia serrata[Saw banksia, Wiriyagan, Old man banksia]
- Ceiba speciosa[Floss silk tree, Silk floss tree]
- Eucalyptus caesia[Gungurru]
- Eucalyptus ovata[Swamp gum, Black gum]
- Eucalyptus pulverulenta[Silver leaved mountain gum]
- Goodenia ovata[Hop goodenia]
- Hymenosporum flavum[Native frangipani]
- Leptospermum petersonii[Lemon scented teatree]
- Ipomoea horsfalliae[Lady doorly’s morning glory, Prince kuhio vine]
- Nitraria billardierei[Nitre bush, Dillon bush]
- Poa labillardierei[Common tussock grass]
- Syzygium smithii[Common lilly pilly]
- Tasmannia purpurascens[Broad leaved pepperbush]
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