Plant Models Vol 115 Blender
Plant Models Vol 115 is a collection of high-quality 3D shrub and flower models. Includes 12 species, total 99 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Allium siculum [‘Honey Garlic’,’Sicilian Honey Lily’]
- Asphodeline lutea [‘King’s Spear’]
- Echium candicans [‘Pride Of Madeira’]
- Echium wildpretii [‘Tower Of Jewels’,’Red Bugloss’]
- Festuca glauca [‘Blue Fescue’]
- Kniphofia uvaria [‘Red Hot Poker’,’Torch Lily’]
- Limonium perezii [‘Perez’s Sea Lavender’]
- Malva sylvestris [‘Common Mallow’]
- Scilla peruviana [‘Portuguese Squill’,’Peruvian Lily’]
- Stipa capillata [‘Needle Grass’]
- Syringa oblata [‘Early Lilac’,’Broadleaf Lilac’]
- Viburnum tinus [‘Laurustinus’]
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