Pine Cones

by Martin Preston in Models

I've collected all of my current 7 Pine cones together in one place and set it up so that you can buy individual cone types or the whole set. The purchase of single cones will count towards the purchase of the whole set so you are free to try one and then upgrade later at no financial risk. My Fir and Spruce cones are or will be available separately under a similar arrangement.

I've tried to create a varied set of realistic cones covering a fair range of the styles in which they occur in nature. I've gone for the small compact little cones of Pinus mugo up through the classic cones of Pinus nigra and sylvestris and then on up to some of the larger types. There is the typical but beefy and lopsided Pinus radiata and the larger still Pinus pinaster.  Next we get the highly thickened and unusual Pinus armandii and finally the outlier, Pinus holfordiana, with its monster 30cm (1 foot) long cones. Under the documentation tab I've put a little more detail about each cone.

Each file contains 8 pine cones with realistic geometry and texturing and is one of a series of over a dozen conifer cones that I have created. All of the cones in the series are generated by the process of a python script manipulating a small number of 'cone element assets'. As such each cone is unique, having been given just the right amount of random variation to lend it a high degree of realism. Each cone pack includes a number of cones to give you a randomised set of assets so that you can avoid that repeated geometry look in a scene. However if you require more variety or a different degree of scale open-ness for instance, my addon provides for infinite variety and I can customise any cone relatively easily. 

All cones are life sized and the small white cube in the rendered pictures is scaled at 1cm as a scale object.  If you look at the chequerboard base to some of the rendered images you can see that the scale of the cones varies enormously from Pinus pinaster at nearly 15cm to Pinus mugo down nearer 3 or 4cm. See documentation for details of all cones.

All the rendered images are lit with blackbody illumination with a combination of warm background tones and whiter light for highlighting. The blend file you can download is the 8 cones arranged and lit as the two rendered images labelled Cycles and Eevee render. Each rendered setup uses a very similar setup with the exceptions being the level of zoom - so that the cones fill the screen, and the positioning of the white highlighting light.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my work and if you detect any problem with any of it, (I'm a relatively new Blender creator), I apologise and please get in touch and I'll do my best to correct the error.

  • This file contains 8 each of all 7 Pine Cone types

  • A set of 8 cones representative of Pinus armandii

  • A set of 8 cones representative of Pinus x holfordiana

  • A set of 8 cones representative of Pinus mugo

  • A set of 8 cones representative of Pinus nigra

  • A set of 8 cones representative of Pinus pinaster

  • A set of 8 cones representative of Pinus radiata

  • A set of 8 cones representative of Pinus sylvestris


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Sales 10+
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free