Physics Placer V1.1

by Blender Procedural in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 2 from 16 ratings by the community.

  • dan
    4 days ago

    Python errors are just the start, breaking any existing physics in the scene, causeing issues with cache and ontop of everything a bad interface.

  • DollofFate
    26 days ago

    Matthijs sums it up the best. This creator will never answer any of your question either. they only want the money and couldn't care less about complaints. They will keep pumping out "tools" that look useful but in reality work 10% or less of the time as reflected in all the poor ratings. Got the second admin to remove my review after the first one said they won't. Surprise this site still allow this creator to put out unusable products.

  • Matthijs de Rijk
    about 2 months ago

    Great Idea, terrible execution and polish.

    Addon makes using the blender physics system for placement quicker, but isn't very robust with lots of errors, and management of special collections with default names etc is very poorly done.

    Also to make the physics addon run it just enables the timeline playback, so if you have animations in your scene this can cause some problems.

    UI makes it hard to understand what of the selected objects are dynamic, and which are static. And it doesn't set the correct physics settings (like using mesh collision instead of convex).

    Non of the buttons have tooltips. Documentation page just shows the advert and no FAQ filled in.

    Even for a $13 product this is far below standard.

  • shimokawa
    5 months ago

    There are many python errors and it doesn't work. Blender 4.2

  • Star Nyx
    7 months ago

    doesnt seem to work anymore?

  • ben ramsay
    8 months ago

    reworking needed worked on easy objects

  • Zaxiure
    8 months ago

    Very bad documentation, a lot of errors while using. Can't even get it to work, very bad product.

  • Satish G
    9 months ago

    Great execution of an idea! But the addon does not work if your scene does not have a collection named "Collection 2". Also, the documentation is very poor. The YouTube video goes too fast, and the FAQ section is empty.

    As a programmer, I was able to figure it out and make it working, but making it work in the general case for all users would be great!

    Thank you for considering my feedback.

  • Gael Alejandro
    10 months ago


  • Max Fahl
    11 months ago

    Could not get it to work, only get an error message when trying to add items.

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Sales 900+
16 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
License Royalty Free