Physical Celestial Objects - Procedural Planets

by Physical Addons in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 3 from 13 ratings by the community.

  • Jack Gorini
    28 days ago

    Unfortunately, this one isn't really that good in the bundle. It is glitchy, it breaks in conjunction when in use with the other 2 addons, and kind of pricy for an alpha. I suggest you should put more focus on getting this fixed up if the price tag for this one will remain like this.

    • Physical Addons

      22 days ago

      Thank you for your feedback, Jack. It should work well with our other addons; however, you might have other plugins interfering with PCO. Please reach out to us through Blender Market or join our Discord community:, and let's see if we can resolve this together.

  • Povzhyk Maksym
    6 months ago

    Sadly, it feels like I have purchased a demo. Not even with a discount back then! Purely out of respect to the developer of truly great addons.
    But looking at this now — way cheaper products do offer more functionality, this is a fact.
    Development with this kind of addon isn't easy, I get it though.
    But hope you will return to this addon that really could have a tonn of possibilities.

    • Physical Addons

      4 months ago

      Hey Maksym,
      Thank you for your honest feedback! We understand your concerns and are happy to share that we’ve recently released a major update with significant improvements and new features, with more updates on the way. We’d love for you to check it out and let us know your thoughts ([email protected] or

  • matthew
    8 months ago

    You're purchasing an alpha, It's practically useless.

    • Physical Addons

      8 months ago

      Hi, Matthew! Although, indeed, the addon Is still in alpha it does have usability and has worked great for many of our users. If you need any help you are very welcome to send us a message through the support chat or join our discord community:

  • Eduard
    8 months ago

    No updates for a long time and addon is not user friendly. Could be really good but for now its pretty much useless especially for this big price. Unfortunately cant rate it more then 1 star for now...

    • Physical Addons

      8 months ago

      Thank you for your feedback, Eduard. We apologize for the lack of updates and any inconvenience you've experienced. We're working on improvements and hope to exceed your expectations soon.

  • Jan
    11 months ago

    0 updates for months, despite announcement on the product page, that one will come in february.

    • Physical Addons

      11 months ago

      Hi, Jan! Our commitment is to release quality products and updates, so instead of rushing we've pushed back the release of updates to make sure they run smoothly and are what our users expect. And as we scale and expand our product offerings, the challenge of maintaining frequent updates grows. We're committed to improving our communication and ensuring that our users are informed and engaged throughout this transition. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Blake Wilder
    about 1 year ago

    Whoa, this definitely is a 5 star add-on, I just love it!! Having bought PSA and also PCO I yesterday used them together to get awesome space scenes - it really looks fantastic and it also looks stunning in EEVEE, I use it all the time because I don't have a fancy graphics card!
    But I have one question: when using both add ons, the planets seem to be translucent, the sun always shines through them - how can I make the planets solid? Thank you very much and keep up your awesome work!

    • Physical Addons

      about 1 year ago

      Hi Blake!
      Thank you for the nice review! Glad to hear you're loving the combination of our addons. To answer your question, it is an alpha glitch that should be solved in the next update that's coming soon! In the meantime, you can message us through blendermarket or join our discord

  • adlx
    about 2 years ago

    I've gotten some beautiful backdrops for my space renders out of this Add-on. I've done eevee and cycles renders and they both work.

    • Physical Addons

      about 1 year ago

      We're glad the addon is working well for you, we appreciate the positive review! Having PCO(and our other addons) working in both rendering engines is very important to us! The soon-to-come update will take your backdrops to the next level!

  • ra100
    about 2 years ago

    It's looking great, quite easy to use and huge time saver. Has some bugs, here and there (or it's just me). And can't wait for new features that are being developed.
    Clouds and "night side" emissions are the ones I'm looking forward most.

    • Physical Addons

      about 1 year ago

      Thank you for the 5-star review!
      An update for the addon is coming soon adding more features and fixing some alpha bugs!

  • Noel Tingberg
    about 2 years ago

    Haven’t really gotten it to work at all, maybe my installation is faulty. But my textures are simply not visible most of the times I can’t even see the planets no matter how big the radius. It is not affected by the sunlamp. Though I can’t rate it lower since I recognise the possibility that this may be great. I may change my rating but for now I am (no matter how much I don’t want to accept it) disappointed. I would really need a way for troubleshooting or a tutorial common mistakes because I admit I may not do it correctly so, please help.

    Great work and I see this addon becoming my favourite if I just get it to work since I do a lot of Star Wars stuff.

    • Physical Addons

      about 2 years ago

      Thank you for your feedback, Noel! These issues haven't been reported before and could be specific to the (new/old?) Blender version or your hardware. We would love to dive deeper and understand what's behind it. Could you please reach out for help in our Discord Community ( server #help section or email ([email protected]) and our support team will get back to you *right away*. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by these issues.

  • Jediah
    about 2 years ago

    Big fan of physical starlight and atmosphere, but this addon seems quite limited and a little less user friendly.

    Is there any way to add clouds to the planets?
    Also, when adding planets to my scene, they are very difficult to see.

    I really like the planets in the demo files, but there doesn't seem to be any way to use them in the asset browser, and there are no textures or anything that I can choose inside of the addon. I expected to be able to add some basic templates?

    Perhaps there is something wrong with my installation.

    Anyway - looking forward to the updated version.

    • Physical Addons

      about 2 years ago

      Hey Jediah,
      Thank you for the feedback! As the addon is still in alpha it may be finicky, but we are working to make it more user-friendly and feature-rich with every update.

      Adding a Clouds layer is the most requested feature and it is coming soon. It is possible (as I’ve seen our colleague Adrians do it) and if you are keen and cannot wait for it - you can ask for his approach on our Discord channel ([](

      Could you elaborate on why it is hard to see the planets? Are they too small upon creation or what is the context you are in? Please send us a message at [email protected] or in the Discord #help section and we’ll get back to you shortly.

      We want to make planets available in the Asset browser, but this feature is still in the ideation phase as it is not that simple and will require some workarounds. We do have a README file in the folder where we have provided links to a set of planets.

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Sales 1400+
13 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Extension Type N/A
License GPL