Philogix Pbr Painter - Pro

by Philogix studio in Addons

Hi, I just wanted to learn if this add on is still well maintained/supported and if you do have plans to keep it alive even you guys decide to drop its support on the future? Like say, if you decide to give up on it at some point then upload the code on a Git and make it public for others to keep it going? I'm asking since I would really like to invest on a solution that could be as permanent as possible. I have noticed other Blender related plugins/programs around, but so far this one is the one that inspires me the most about purchasing.

Hello! Thank you for your question. It's been nearly 3 years since we began developing this addon, and I want to emphasize that we currently have no plans to cease its development. As you can see, the market often sees new addons created by specialized development units. However, these usually undergo shorter development and support cycles. In contrast, our Philogix PBR Painter addon is designed to continually cater to job requirements.

With our primary focus on two areas, namely 3D Modeling and indie game development, we have consistently improved the Philogix PBR Painter over time. This improvement is geared towards streamlining work processes. This is evident in our integration of the Smart Material, Smart Surface, and custom Brushes libraries into the addon. Therefore, you can rest assured that we are committed to the ongoing development and enhancement of the Philogix PBR Painter in the long run.

Choose a product version:

  • $37.50 Full-feature License

    Full-feature License for Philogix PBR Painter. Unlock your creative potential for personal and commercial projects.

Sales 600+
Downloads 400+
Customer Ratings 28
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Published over 2 years ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License GPL
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