Pbr Texture & Material Generator For Blender

VK Gamedev in Addons

Smart PBR Texture & Material Generator for Blender

📘 User Guide

 🔧 Installation

1. Download the `.zip` file of the addon.

2. Open **Blender → Edit → Preferences → Add-ons**.

3. Click **"Install…"** and select the `.zip` file.

4. Enable the addon by checking the box **“Smart PBR Texture & Material Generator”**.

5. The addon panel will appear in the **3D Viewport → Sidebar (N) → PBR Material** tab.

🎨 How to Use

 1️⃣ Import a Texture

- In the **PBR Material panel**, click **"Import Texture"**.

- Choose any base texture image (e.g., grayscale, color, fabric, surface texture).

- Optionally enable:

  - **Generate Normal Map**

  - **Generate Height Map**

  - **Generate Roughness Map**

  - **Generate Metallic Map**

  - **Make Seamless Texture**

 2️⃣ Adjust Map Intensities

- Use sliders to control the strength of:

  - **Normal Map Strength**

  - **Roughness Strength**

  - **Metallic Strength**

  - **Displacement Scale**

 3️⃣ Preview and Fine-Tune

- A new material is created and assigned to the selected object.

- Preview it in the **Material Preview or Rendered Viewport**.

- Additional BSDF inputs are available in the panel.

 4️⃣ Export Texture Maps

- Click **“💾 Save All Textures to Disk”**.

- All textures are saved with proper names and packed into `.zip`.

 5️⃣ Save Material to Asset Library

- Click **"💾 Save Material to Asset Library"**, choose a name.

- The material is marked as a Blender Asset and ready for reuse.

 ✅ Additional Features

- Mapping Scale control.

- Full Asset Browser support.

- Clean UI and workflow-friendly tools.

 💡 Tips

- Apply any texture and use specific map generation only.

- Use **“Visit Creator’s Page”** button to check for updates.

 ❗ Requirements

- Blender 3.0+

- Internet connection (only for auto-installing NumPy/OpenCV if needed).

  • All functions are available except for creating asset from the material and saving textures to the computer.

  • Create an asset from a material. Save textures to a computer. Generate seamless textures. Commercial use for 1 user.

  • Create an asset from a material. Save textures to a computer. Generate seamless textures. Commercial use for an unlimited number of users.


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Sales 20+
Downloads 100+
Published 9 days ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type N/A
License Royalty Free