Remember: If you are interested or have bought my product, then I have opened a FB group to share all content you create with this tool or just ask for clues and get help. It is here:
..and this is my product:
The easy way to create patterns in Blender!
The easy way to make something look realistic!
The easy way to make everything on your surface to look fantastic :D!
All the stuff that demands a lot of math and repetition is gone. With easy dragging from the asset library to the shader editor, you get all those node groups
you possible will need to make a procedural pattern or material for your 3D object.
Since all things in the asset library has clear images, it is also very easy to understand what the purpose is.
I have created a library asset that contains all those combinations of nodes that you do most of the time, like range conversions, easy shapes, conversions from polar to cartesian and back again and so on.
The Library Asset is divided in to:
* Basenodes, which are the building blocks to create a good patterns.
* Deformers, that tweaks your pattern visually.
* Geometry Based, which uses your 3D object to place scratches and dirt on the correct places.
* Noise, that contains those things you so often need to add grunge, mortar grains or rain wear on stuff.
* Patterns, which is ready to use patterns where one single node will do the complete work for you.
* Symbols, which is shapes that are well known to people because they represent something.
This is also a very living project, so expect frequent updates that of course will be compatible with older versions all the time.