If you have installed Blender to a non default path, then you should edit panjeaplugin.bat to point to that directory.
No, not at this stage. Want to help us? Make an installer script that can install PyQt5 for Python2 and send it to us.
Each time you restart panjeaplugin it will download the latest plugin updates from our server. If you have made local changes to one of the example plugins that you want to keep, then save it to ~/.panjea with a unique file name and unicode icon symbol, make sure to rename the function and class names to (all plugins share the same namespace).
Note: plugin file names should start with "pyjea_"
- Unzip to your Desktop, or any other the folder.
- Double click panjeaplugin.bat
- This will download and install Python2, install it to the default path C:\Python27
- If you do not have Blender installed, or it is not in the default installation path, Blender2.90 will be downloaded and installed for you. Make sure you install it to the default path.
Note: do not copy panjea-alpha-v2 into your Blender addons folder.
- Download and install
- use 7zip to extract panjea-alpha-v11.7z
- go to the folder panjea-alpha-v11
- double click panjeaplugin.bat