Packages Plus

by Nikita Akimov in Addons

Packages Plus - Blender 3D add-on for installing and managing additional Python packages.

Add-on functionality

With the add-on, you can install packages from the PyPi repository.

You can install the required Python packages directly into the Blender installation directory, as well as into the user home directory.

To install the required package directly to Blender – specify the package name in the “Package Name” field, select “/BLENDER” in the installation destination field and press the “Install” button.

With this type of installation, the package will be available everywhere in Blender – when you write a script in a Text Editor, and in the Python Console using the common “import” command.

    import numba

You can also install the required Python package into the user home directory. This is usually the preferred way. In this case, the package does not affect the current Blender installation, can be called from any version of Blender installed on your computer. However, such a package cannot be included with just the single “import” statement. To get the code for importing such a package to your script – press the “Code” button in the add-on panel.

The add-on can detect whether the package is already installed in your system and show the location of its installation. Specify the name of the package and press the “Check” button in the add-on panel.

You can also specify a custom installation location for the package by selecting “EXTERNAL” and specifying the desired directory. This installation can be useful when you include packages directly in your script or add-on.

To uninstall a package, specify its name and press the “Uninstall” button.


The add-on is for advanced users! Installing and managing Python packages can damage your Blender installation and even your operating system!

For Blender versions

2.93, 3.0


The “3D Viewport” window – N panel – “P+” tab.

The “Text Editor” window – N panel – “P+” tab.

Current add-on version



  • Download *.zip archive with the add-on distributive
  • In Blender: The "Preferences" window — Add-ons — Install... — specify downloaded archive

  • For personal use

  • For small studios (2-10 seats)

  • For big studios (more than 10 seats)


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 3 years ago
Software Version 2.93
License GPL
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addon addon developing Python package import Scripting Add-on