Version 1.1 Released!
Release Date: 23. Oct 2024
Ease of Use

What It Can Do
First-Person Movement
- Full control over player parameters
- Settings for gravity, speed, acceleration, friction, air-control, and more
- Motion damping for stairs and uneven terrain
Fly Mode
- Fully physics-based movement
- Settings for acceleration, friction, etc.
- Mouselook and radial control functionality
- Optional collisions
Camera Functionality
- Support for camera rigs with physics, constraints, etc.
- Customizable banking and motion damping
- Customizable focal length
Collision System
- Capsule-based collision detection
- Utilizes a BVH-tree, capable of handling millions of triangles
- Supports instanced collection and linked library collision
- Selective inclusion or exclusion of collections
- Partial dynamic collisions using the scripting module
- Prevents endless falling by reusing last ground contact
- Camera motion recording
- Loop recording
- Buffered recording (recording without timeline playback)
- Add new functionality through user-written scripts
- Exposed game loop method
- Automatically expose parameters in UI panels
- Access to player parameters and the collision system
Customizable Settings
- Input smoothing options
- Customizable keymaps and Gamepad mappings
- Gamepad support for Windows (XInput)
- Mouse settings including sensitivity and invert Y-axis
- Custom N-panel placement
- Framerate independence with support for 120+ Hz
- Choice of scale settings: metric, imperial, and free
Additional Features
- Teleportation mechanic
- Empties as spawn points
OmniStep supports all platforms and Blender versions from 3.6 up to the current 4.4 It has been tested on macOS, Linux and Windows.
Add-on Compliance
This add-on is fully self-contained, does not include any external libraries, does not directly interact with the file-system and operates entirely offline. It does not register with any application handlers and does not leave behind any residual data in the Blender scene, except for its settings configuration. The sidebar panel can be optionally nested under the 'Tool' tab to maintain a clean UI.
The collision system is tailored for static geometry and uses an underlying BVH-tree (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) for better performance in heavy scenes. This allows OmniStep to handle collisions with millions of triangles in real-time, but it comes with a trade-off: it does not support animated geometry by default. Animated objects can be excluded to avoid 'ghost' collisions.Using the scripting module, dynamic collisions can be enabled on dedicated object.