Oh Snap! Dynamic Snap To Mesh Tool!

by Space Robot in Addons

How do I report a bug?

Please email me at [email protected].

How do I Install it?
  1. Download the add-on zip file. 
  2. With Blender open go to menu Edit then Preferences.
  3. Click the Add-ons tab.
  4. Click on Install (Top Right of Blender Peferences window).
  5. Navigate to where you saved the add-on, select the zip file,  then click on Install add-on.
  6. In preferences find the add-on (you can search for it) then click the tick box next to it to activate it.
  7. Save Preferences. 
  8. It will appear as a UI Panel.
Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Blender Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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