Check the quick tutorials, and list below for a full set of features :)
My callab buddy and I just got so tired of viewport lag, crashes, and Blender simply just stopping
so, long story short. We perfected the algorithm to tackle the problem.
Remember, our proxies NEVER show up in the render :)
Add a proxy to any or all objects in the viewport that have a high poly count
Add proxies via face-count => logic that is equal or greater face-count than the selection in the addon
Delete all proxies at once time on selected meshes
Use a custom Proxy object
Choose Bounding Box or Convex Hull or Custom
Transfer materials to the proxy
Auto Smooth comes inside of the node group applied to the proxy, just turn it on or off
Shading controls in the addon for (mat-cap, in front) etcetera
Global controls that allow a custom proxy on all selected objects
Toggle Bounding Box or convex Hull button in the Global area
Control your laggy scene with proxy instances by face-count and selection, custom controls for single objects or all objects and NOW the rapid material loader
This is the basic version, and you can *UPGRADE* today and unlock the power of the only proxy instance machine on Blender Market