Nodee: Ice&Snow
NODEE: Ice&Snow 1.0.6
How to install
You can install NODEE: Ice&Snow as an standart Blender addon, or use it in asset browser. If you want to use an addon download the zip file with the addon and go to Blender preferences. Under the Add-on panel click install, locate the zip file and double click it. Wait a moment to install and click the check box on the left to enable the addon.
For Blender 3.6.x use:
For Blender 4.x.x use:
If you want to use the asset browser version of NODEE you can download a blend file named IceAndSnowAssetsBrowser.blend and place it in your asset browser folder.
How to use it
This addon can be used either by creating a custom shortcut, or under the N panel. The shortcut can be changed in addon preferences by clicking the current shortcut and pressing the new one with the keyboard.
To apply the effect, select an object that you want to add the effect to. After pressing the shortcut in the 3d viewport area the Pie menu will show up. Now choose one of 4 effects and wait a moment for generation. If you don't want to use the shortcut, you can use buttons under the N panel.
Asset Browser
With asset browser you can just drag and drop the effect to the object.
Ice and snow will generate snow layers on objects and extra icicles. It comes with a material named Snow.
Debug mode - generate simplified geometry for better performance
Snow Thickness - the thickness of snow Layer Can produce errors when it’s too small on big objects, check common problems
Snow Failing Spread - the amount of snow that can get under covered area, in degrees.
0 - on first, 9 - on second, 40 - on third
Delete Small Snow Groups - delete snow parts that face area are smaller than threshold value
Snow Normal Offset - offset snow layer in normal direction
Melt Steep Snow - allow for random melting of snow on steep areas
Melt Top Snow - allow for random melting of snow on flat/top areas
Icicles Radius - the radius of icicles, for better control, use Exterior Band Width too.
Icicles Length - the length of icicles
Icicles Density - the density of icicles
Snowdrift Size - the size of snowdrift, set to 0 if you don't want any snowdrift (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Resolution - resolution of geometry
Delete Covered snowdrift - delete snowdrift at the area of ground that is covered by master geometry (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Create More Snowdrift - create even more snow drifts then usual (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Seed - random seed
Smooth Iterations - increase the value to create more smooth geometry, might change the shape of geometry if it’s set to high values
Angle of Melting - do not create snow at the areas of the mesh that have higher slope value
Point Distribution Number - number of original points distributed on an object. Increasing it might help get the right results on bigger objects.
Exterior Band Width - additional thickness added to icicles and snow to create a better blend effect.
Delete Object Intersecting Icicles - delete parts of icicles that are intersecting with original geometry
Delete Covered Icicles - delete parts of icicles that are intersecting with snow geometry
Ground Object - ground object used for creation of snowdrifts
Material - material
Snow will generate snow layers on objects. It comes with a material named Snow.
Debug mode - generate simplified geometry for better performance
Snow Thickness - the thickness of snow Layer Can produce errors when it’s too small on big objects, check common problems
Snow Failing Spread - the amount of snow that can get under covered area, in degrees.
0 - on first, 9 - on second, 40 - on third
Delete Small Snow Group - delete snow parts that have face area smaller than threshold value
Snow Normal Offset - offset snow layer in normal direction
Melt Steep Snow - allow for random melting of snow on steep areas
Melt Top Snow - allow for random melting of snow on flat/top areas
Snowdrift Size - the size of snowdrift, set to 0 if you don't want any snowdrift (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Resolution - resolution of geometry
Seed - random seed
Ground Object - ground object used for creation of snowdrifts
Material - material
Delete Covered snowdrift - delete snowdrift at the area of ground that is covered by master geometry (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Create More Snowdrift - create even more snow drifts then usual (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Smooth Iterations - increase the value to create more smooth geometry, might change the shape of geometry if is set to high values
Point Distribution Number - number of original points distributed on an object. Increasing it might help get the right results on bigger objects.
Angle of Melting - do not create snow at the areas of the mesh that have slope higher then
Icicles will generate Ice layers on objects and extra icicles. It comes with a set of materials for ice and inclusions.
Debug mode - generate simplified geometry for better performance
IceThickness - the thickness of the ice layer. Can produce errors when is too small on big objects, check common problems
Ice Failing Spread - the amount of ice that can get under covered area, in degrees.
0 - on first, 9 - on second, 40 - on third
Delete Small Ice Group - delete ice parts that face area are smaller than threshold value
Ice Normal Offset - offset ice layer in normal direction
Melt Steep Ice - allow for random melting of ice on steep areas
Melt Top Ice - allow for random melting of ice on flat/top areas
Icicles Radius - the radius of icicles, for better control, use Exterior Band Width too.
Icicles Length - the length of icicles
Icicles Density - the density of icicles
Snowdrift Size - the size of snowdrift, set to 0 if you don't want any snowdrift (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Delete Covered snowdrift - delete snowdrift at the area of ground that is covered by master geometry (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Create More Snowdrift - create even more snow drifts then usual (needs Ground Object to work correctly)
Resolution - resolution of geometry
Seed - random seed
Smooth Iterations - increase the value to create more smooth geometry, might change the shape of geometry if is set to high values
Ice Distortion - extra surface distortion of ice
Point Distribution Number - number of original points distributed on an object. Increasing it might help get the right results on bigger objects.
Shatter Ice Number - number of shattered ice, very long calculation time, for better visualization use Preview Shattered Geometry option. If set too high, may result in crashes
Scale Outer Shatter Ice - if shattered ice is pointing out of original ice geometry use this parameter to scale it down.
Angle of Melting - do not create snow at the areas of the mesh that have higher slope value
Preview Shattered Geometry - use this for better visualization of shattered geometry and inclusions
Inclusions Density - density of inclusion objects
Inclusions Scale - scale of inclusion objects
Delete Object Intersecting Icicles - delete parts of icicles that are interesting with original geometry
Exterior Band Width - additional thickness added to icicles and snow to create a better blend effect.
Shatter Ice - create shattered ice geometry
Ice Inclusions - Create inclusions inside ice
Ground Object - ground object used for creation of snowdrifts
Main Material - Main material of Ice layer
Ice Inclusion Material - material of inclusions inside ice
Ice Shatter Material - material of shatter geometry
Frost will generate frost layers on objects and extra ice. It comes with a material named Frost. To have better control of Frost use Empty object as Effector input.
//_…_// - only for readability
First Layer Density - Density of first layer of ice crystals
First Layer Scale - Scale of first layer of ice crystals
Second Layer Density - Density of second layer of ice crystals
Second Layer Scale - Scale of second layer of ice crystals
Third Layer Density - Density of third layer of ice crystals
Third Layer Scale - Scale of third layer of ice crystals
First Layer Thickness - thickness of first layer of ice
First Layer Smooth Iterations - thickness of first layer of ice
Second Layer Thickness - thickness of second layer of ice
Second Layer Smooth Iterations - thickness of second layer of ice
First Layer Extent - First layer range
Second Layer Extent - Second layer range
Second Layer Gradient Min - control the change in thickness of first layer of ice, influenced by effector
Second Layer Gradient Max - control the change in thickness of first layer of ice, influenced by effector
Third Layer Extent - Third layer range
Ice Normal Offset - offset ice layer in normal direction
Resolution - resolution of geometry
Seed - random seed
Material - material
Effector - effector, an empty object that allows control of the ranges of each layer of ice and ice crystals. Scale effector to better control frost and ice effect.
Common problems
Little to nothing snow/ice at bigger objects
To fix it you can change values of 3 parameters. Increase snow thickness, Increase Resolution, increase Point Distribution Number (this value can increase a lot, because it doesn't affect performance that much). You can play with this value however you like.
wrong direction of snow
To fix this issue you need to apply rotation by selecting object and pressing control A -> rotation
Missing ground object or effector
If snowdrifts are not generated , or frost effect is uniform, check if Ground Object/ Effector are provided to the geometry nodes modifier.
What to check with object
check object rotation
check object scale
check normals of object
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