Nla Strip Merger - Baking Better

by Inlet in Addons

NLA ‣ Context Menu (right click)

Merge Pose Strips
Bakes animation of selected pose bones, applying all selected NLA strips: their modifiers, settings, blending, etc.. Available in Pose Mode.

Merge Object Strips
Bakes animation of selected object, ignoring unselected strips and bones. Applies all selected NLA strips: their modifiers, settings, and blending.

  • Bake any valid animation values, the selected object and its bones. Has everything else from the lower tier.

  • Merge NLA tracks into 1


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Sales 50+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.83
License GPL
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animation non-linear-animation-editor NLA sequence