Natural Lighting Gobos
Important: The UI has been moved from the 3D Viewport to the Light Data properties!
Quick introduction to using Natural Lighting:
Instructions for Blender 3.0 or above. For Blender 2.93 see the FAQ
Setting up the asset library
Unpack the provided zip file somewhere in your system
Go into the Blender Preferences and into the File Paths section
Click on the + icon to add an asset library
Navigate into your extracted Natural Lighting folder and click on Add Asset Library
Important: Do not click on the Sources directory. The path should end in \Natural Lighting\ and not in \Sources\
Make sure your new asset library is correctly named
Allowing Python Execution
It is recommended to allow automatic python execution in order for the asset UI to load automatically after dropping an asset into your scene. This setting can be found under the Save & Load preferences.
Open up an Asset Browser window
Switch to the Natural Lighting asset to be presented with the full list of Natural Lights!
Drag one of the assets into your scene and position the lamp as required.
Go to the Natural Lighting tab in the Light Data Properties to access the lighting interface!
Feature overview
Note: Some Natural Lights have slightly different functionality and interface.
The main lighting controls are here:
The energy of the lamp in Watts
Spot Size
The angle of the spot size
Border Softness
The softness of the edge of the spot lamp
The color of the main light in Kelvin based on black body radiation. You may be familiar with this type of measurements when buying a light bulb at the hardware store. For example 2500K will emit a warm yellow light, 6000K will emit a white light compared to daylight at noon, and 1200K will emit a cool blue light.
Allows to colorize the light with a simple RGB color picker.
Cast Shadows
Controls for the cast shadow effect are here:
The strength of the cast shadow pattern. A strength of 0.0 will completely turn the shadow effect off and look as a regular light in Blender. A strength lower than 1.0 will make the shadow effect more subtle.
The softness of the cast shadow pattern. The higher the softness the more blurred out the shadows will be, the lower the softness the sharper the shadows will be.
A convenient control to easily rotate the shadow effect without having to manually rotate the lamp.
Allows to zoom in the shadow pattern in order to make it bigger.
Allows to shift the shadow pattern to find the pattern area that best suits your needs
Shifts the hue of the shadow, for example allowing to turn a green tinted shadow into a red tinted shadow.
A saturation of 0.0 will give a completely gray shadow, a higher saturation will tint the shadow with the original colors, for example to simulate the effect of translucency in foliage.
Controls the shadow brightness. Less bright shadows will be darker and full, while higher brightness values will make for lighter, subtle and softer details.
Controls the shadow contrast. Less contrasted shadows will be more subtle and smooth, while higher contrast values will step between fully lit and fully shadowed areas quite sharply.
Warm Edge
The warm edge light adds a soft warm glow, mostly visible at the edges of the shadows. The warm edge controls are:
A factor of the main light's power. a Strength of 0.0 means no warm edge effect, a strength of 0.5 means half of the power of the main light and a strength of 1.0 means the same power of the main light.
Usually the temperature of the warm edge light should be about half of the temperature of the main light, hence the warm effect.
A factor of the main light's softness. Usually the warm edge light should be much softer than the main light, giving it it's glowy appearance.
Natural Lighting is based on movie clips that we've carefully recorded and curated to be suitable for the use of lighting.
Let's you know the total available length of the clip in frames
Frame Offset
Allows your to offset the clip to select a different starting point.
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