Blender Multi-Window Tool

Me Bman in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 1 rating by the community.

  • Matthew Goodsell
    3 months ago

    I've used another UI area addon for ages, but recent changes in the way it works made it frustrating to use.
    Combined with a recent UI workflow tweak, and a script that deletes all the extra "screens" left in the blender data (This is a Blender bug, not the addon,) this addon is excellent. It makes working clutter free, full screen in Blender a viable, and super fast new workflow for me.

    My only criticism is that it would amazing to have the new windows open at the mouse cursor, instead of center screen (hint..hint,) but this is by no means a deal breaker.

    I highly recommend it. A steal at 8 buckazoids.

  • Displaying 1 rating

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Sales 60+
1 ratings
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL