Multibrush: Multiple Layer Paint Tool

francoberto in Models

MultiBrush: Multiple Layer Paint Tool

Blender 2.79 and below only!

MultiBrush plugin lets Blender's users paint over several textures at once, using different texture brushes for each texture slot. The primary benefit from this is the ability to paint a stroke of a diffuse color along with a heightmap, to create procedural, organic, fractal details on materials that go hand in hand with each other.


The latest advances in CGI technology have created the need to augment our scene's level of detail, which has also increased the time needed for each project. This is especially true for Real-Time Rendering projects such as videogames. Whereas before shading effects could pass on with only diffuse and normal maps, now they can be augmented with much more details: Ambient_Occlusion, Roughness, Specular, Subsurface Scattering maps are the basics now; some projects also include real-time mesh modifiers with heightmaps, and others that are starting to harness the power of the parallax materials.


This add-on was created to paint all texture layers on a material with just the stroke of the mouse over the mesh, painting with a different brush texture over each layer.

With MultiBrush we can create materials with the ease in which nature creates procedural patterns, fractal details, and other random details, incorporating them to enhance our graphic development environment.

Thanks to this new addition for Blender, the times in texturization have diminished even more, and we can create images for complex materials with just a few clicks. Now we can paint the effect images that make up our materials and shaders simultaneously in an efficient, speedy, and natural way, and what's best, all of these details match each other elegantly natural.


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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 9 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
License GPL