Multi-Tree & Bamboo

by JRR in Models

What is Multi-Tree & Bamboo?

Multi-Tree is an asset package aimed at easing the creation and manipulation of photo realistic 3d trees and plants including seasonal effects.

What's included with Multi-Tree & Bamboo?

Multi-Leaf Shader  

  • Easily adjust leaves for any season

  • Get photorealistic results 

  • Seven included presets: Birch, Maple, Fir, Douglas Fir, Pine, Pine Dense & Bamboo

  • Used on included branch models

Procedural Bark Shader

  • Six Included presets- Birch, Maple, Fir, Douglas Fir, Pine & Bamboo 

  • Applied to included tree models

  • Adjustable parameters


  • Seven highly detailed 3d branches: Birch, Maple, Fir, Douglas Fir, Pine, Pine Dense & Bamboo

  • Three variations for each species of branch: Large, Medium and Small

  • 2d Versions of above branches included 

  • Ready to use with blender compatible tree generators  

Tree & Bamboo models

  • Fifty tree models: Birch, Maple, Fir, Douglas Fir and Pine- each with ten variations

  • Ten Bamboo models

User Guide

  • Covers the controls of the Multi-Leaf shader

  • How to generate you own trees using "M-Tree" tree generator.

Background information.

Whilst working on an architectural visualisation project, I needed a way in blender to quickly and easily change foliage between the seasons- Multi-Tree was created! It started out as just a shader, however, the project soon developed into something much larger than first intended, and then the idea of releasing it on the Blender Market came about.

So, work started on making 3d branches, with the aim of achieving realism whilst maintaining good performance at the same time. After this, I started wondering about the possibility of also adding trees and plants that use these branches, and so here we are with 60 plant models! I plan to add more deciduous branches and trees, and am just waiting for the summer to come so I can get outside and make some textures!

I hope you enjoy using Multi-Tree as much as I have enjoyed developing it. 

Incredible leaf customisation!

Creaton of leaves for any season is made effortless with the Multi-Leaf shader! It is super easy for you to quickly change and adjust trees to suit any time of the year, such as a snowy winter’s day.

Amazing Realism

6 Species of 3d Branches modelled with fanstastic attention to detail, ready to be used with your own trees, or our included trees! 

2d Branches

All of our 3d branches come with a 2d counterpart, for even better performance- due to less vertecies, perfect for use on background trees!

60 Incredible Plants! 

50 different trees, and 10 bamboo plants, all customisable, set up and ready to go! 


Using the nodes, it is possible to animate the leaves transitioning between seasons!

Use any leaf texture

Want to create your own branch? Use any leaf texture with the multi-leaf shader for endless possibilities!

Cycles and Eevee compatible

Future Updates

We plan to regularly update and add features to Multi-Tree; these will be broken down into two categories:

  • Free updates- These will be provided to you free of charge, and will consist of updates and improvements to the Multi-Leaf and procedural bark shaders. We will also be adding two more species of branches and trees for free- Oak and Ash.    

  • Paid Updates- These will include packages of new 3d and 2d branches and tree models, as well as other vegetation!      


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Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 2.81, 2.82
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Low & High Resolution, Textured
License Royalty Free