Matkit | The Ultimate Material Creation Package

by Baraa Khaled in Addons

How do I install Matkit add-on for my blender software?

Download the zipped file (.zip), then go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install. Navigate to where you saved your .zip file, select it and click "Install".

What should I do if I disabled the addon but it didn't fully unregister?

Simply restart Blender.

How do I establish a connection between an effect / decal node and a material node?
  • Identify the Surface, Normal, Height, Displacement, and Alpha outputs (if available) of the material node or the last node in the node tree.
  • Connect these outputs to the corresponding inputs of the effect/decal node group. For example, if the effect/decal node requires a surface input, connect the surface output of the material node to the surface input of the effect/decal node group.
  • Finally, connect the outputs of the effect/decal node group to the material output. This ensures that the effect or decal is properly integrated into the material and contributes to the final appearance of the rendered object.
  • 1 seat - Commercial Use


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Sales 30+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
License GPL