Lowpoly Morden Props V1.0
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Include: 500+ Props
Use 500+ models to compose any medieval style you want
32x32 BaseColor Texture , Very High Performance !
And I will constantly update this asset package to ensure that the content becomes more diverse.
Very high performance.
Include Contains various types of modern style props
-------Version V1.0--------
Bathroom x 20
Bed x 14
BookShelf x 9
Building x 5
Cabinet x 26
Chair x 35
Gallery x 12
LivingMisc x 168
Misc x 18
MusicMisc x 16
Outdoor x 11
OutdoorChair x 10
ShopMisc x 40
ShopSign x 3
Shutter x 4
Sofa x 13
Table x 39
Word x 52
polygon count(face): 400,900
vertex count: 417,784
Texture Dimensions: 32x32 , 1024x1024
Texture Number: 2
Texture Format: PNG
mesh number: 513
prefab number: 513+
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