Logo Tracer

by Thatimster in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.

  • Andy Redwood
    over 3 years ago

    Thank you. Really. For the longest time I was wondering "why isn't there a simpler solution to getting PNGs into Blender?" Found this through the Blender Bros 497 tips things, and it's such a timesaver.

    I hate messing about with SVGs (which never seem to work for me anyway), so to have something that does the job in a few clicks is perfect.

  • Pete Burges
    almost 4 years ago

    There is one issue that I've found which is that often the resulting text mesh will be a different aspect ratio and size than the image you traced. However, this is such a handy tool that it seems cruel to pick holes when it's on sale for a dollar- and you can scale the mesh to the correct aspect. Still beats the living hell out of trying to trace text yourself, or cleaning up a mesh generated from text curves. Must-have tool.

  • Frank Hilton
    about 4 years ago

    I think this add-on is a great idea. It is very good for quick mesh creating. There are several options to optimize the mesh to keep poly count down. However, as with all vector tracing programs (Adobe , Corel, InkScape), there are times that the optimization will round out corners or flatten curved lines not giving you an exact replica of the image. That is just the nature of the beast with all vector tracing apps. This one is no exception. If you have a complex image to trace you may not get the topology you expect after optimization. In some cases you may need to manually trace the logo or clean it up if you really need clean-accurate mesh. However, if you need a quick way to convert a logo and are not concerned with hi-poly count, which gives best accurate results from the trace, then this works great.

    I rated this add-on as a 4 only because the industry standard for vector tracing has limitations. I don't fault this add-on for it. I just hope someday someone in the industry is going to figure out tracing images. Actually this add-on does pretty well considering the industry limitations. There are several good options to help you optimize the trace. FYI TIP: For best results you want to use an images that are large as possible, as this will give you better tracing results.

    I contacted support and they were very responsive. I like that in a developer. That tells me they care about their product and support.

    CONCLUSION: Even though all vector tracing apps have similar limitations, this one is still a MUST HAVE in your toolbox. It does a good job, especially on "Medium" & "High" trace settings. On these settings you will get higher poly count, but you will get a more accurate replica of your trace, even for corners and curved edges. This add-on is a real time saver if you don't want to manually trace images within Blender. I look forward to improvements.

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Sales 900+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.0
License GPL