Led Billboard
LED Billboard is a pack of semi-procedural generated model of "old-style" LED light signs. Typically used in shops, hotel, cinemas, theatres, or as information panels in stations, airports, public places, etc.
Models are generated by applying a nodegroup/modifier to a text object generating the light panel model that displays the text content.
Inside the package you will find the nodegroup along with eight ready-to-use panel templates in different color combinations and light source type (LED or bulb).
Models are generated by applying a nodegroup/modifier to a text object generating the light panel model that displays the text content.
Inside the package you will find the nodegroup along with eight ready-to-use panel templates in different color combinations and light source type (LED or bulb).

a short animation made with LED Billboard assets
You can set the display size and geometry and the text settings
You can set the number of LEDs, the dimensions of the cabinet, its frame, choose the thickness and position of the glass and so on ...
Of course, you can change not only the content of the displayed text but also its attributes such as font family, size, alignment, spacing, scaling and so on, as in an ordinary Blender text object.
Of course, you can change not only the content of the displayed text but also its attributes such as font family, size, alignment, spacing, scaling and so on, as in an ordinary Blender text object.

Chose the color scheme and light source model
The package comes with four ready-to-use shaders and three light source models but it is also possible to create your own shaders and use your own LED model. (you can find more details in the manual)

Deform along a curve
You can also deform the display according to a spline curve keep unchanged (not deformed) the shape of light sources (the LEDs or the Light Bulbs)
It can be useful, for example, when the display needs to follow the shape of a building's facade.
It can be useful, for example, when the display needs to follow the shape of a building's facade.

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station sign Information Panel light panel Public Information Board Theatre Billboard Text Display screen LED Billboard Text Object Modifier LED Sign advertisement led-screen lightbulb light display lighted sign procedural model Procedural LED advertise Shop Sign light bulb hotel-sign led procedural light-sign Electronic Sign Cinema Display Airport Display Billboard display digital display Customizable Display