Please note: This material for blender 2.8x only. In cannot be used in 2.79.
Procedural leather material. Forget about confusing materials with a lot of settings. Here everything is simple and fast.
This material is extremely easy to use and customizable.
With different settings, you can get a lot of material variations.
Compatible with Eevee.
Examples of using
(Demo models not included)
Just append material to your scene, assign it to mesh and move sliders until you get needed result!
It may work fine without UV in some cases, but using UV is recommended.
Preview images rendered in Cycles with hdri (not included).
Use it and get amazing results!
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procedural shader brown leather spring19 2.8 Cycles black leather customizable leather material leather leather shader 2.80 procedural leather procedural eevee Material Shader Node procedural material