Learn Modelling And Animating In Blender Ui

ArtStudio in Models

I am Morteza from ArtStudio.

Creating popup animation is one of the most popular animation style in the world. Its been used for many big industry animation such as Walt Disney and Pixar animations. Graphic Designer use this method for bringing their idea to life and they make a lot of money out of it. If you are one of those who are interested to learning Popup animation inside a free 3D Software, the welcome.

In this course we start learning in Blender interface and tools for creating 3D model. We are going to create tree main model. Hex-Gun, Monitor and Mobile phone.

During creating these three model you learn as well all the necessary tools for creation in blender. You will get to know about meshes, curves, modifiers, parenting and a lot more. How to add material, UV Unwrapping, lighting creating HDRI and a lot more.

Later we do some simple animation and step by step will be a bit complex. You will learn adding key frames and how to use graph editor in blender for creating a  greater animation.

Finally we add camera to the scene and we play around with its setting. We learn how to add multiple camera for taking a render animation.

I hope you enjoy this course and see in there!


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Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Animated
License Royalty Free