Learn Blender Fast! - Beginner's Edition

On Sale! by aPOP in Training

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This file uses custom hotkeys, to install press "ctrl + ," or Edit -> Preferences -> Keymap -> Import...

Select aPOPcustomKeysetX_X.py (X's represent current version number)

This file is intended to be learned and navigated within blender. You should not need anything outside of the file. The view should start showing the navigation keys, but if you lose them or have trouble, here is how to navigate the 3D viewport below.

Mouse -
Rotate: Middle Mouse
Zoom: Scroll Wheel or Ctrl + Middle Mouse
Pan: Shift + Middle Mouse
Dolly:  Shift + Ctrl + Middle Mouse
Ctrl + Space: Toggle fullscreen where Mouse is hovered.

Trackpad - 
Rotate: Two Finger Drag
Zoom: Ctrl + Two Finger Drag
Pan: Shift + Two Finger Drag

If you do not see the 3D Viewport window, on the top left of any window within blender, click the dropdown and select "3D Viewport" to restore it. The text in this file can be read the most easily in Material Preview, or Rendered Mode, or in Solid Mode with wireframe turned on. Press Z in the viewport to select the mode.

Cycles & Evee Compatible.
  • Learn the basics of using Blender, includes presets for Cameras, Lighting, and Render Settings

    $18.74 $24.99

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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0
License Royalty Free