This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.
7 months ago
I like it
Blue Nile
7 months ago
Thank you Ekrem! Glad to hear it.
The Sudio
8 months ago
Absolutely epic add on, would've saved me many tearful nights lol
Blue Nile
8 months ago
Tears be gone!
Thank you so much dude, I'm glad it helps.
8 months ago
Have a few dozen curves, that you need to convert to bone chains? Need a particular edge selection to be a chain? This is the addon you're looking for.
The simulation conversion is the biggest eye candy factor - and it *is* cool - but this addon has several other tools in the box, that will take a lot of the manual labor out of copying, moving, and snapping bones into places that need to match geometry. Plus a couple of extra QOL tools that lower repetitive rigging tasks from 200 clicks to 3. Definitely worth the purchase.
Blue Nile
8 months ago
Woah thorn I am totally honored by your words and the care you put into this review.
Thank you so so much dude! I hope the addon continues to help in all your rigging adventures, and fingers crossed I can add even more tools in coming versions.
Cheers so much dude.
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A free addon for converting armatures into render-able mesh objects. Custom shapes are now supported. This is a free/experimental addon. Expect possible bugs.
Lazy Bones addon. All coming updates are included.