Grease Pencil To Font - Now For Blender 3.0

by ChengduLittleA in Addons


Latest Update on 2021/10/27. Now should run smoothly on Blender 2.93LTS / 3.00 Daily.

If you encounter problems using old versions, please send me an email to [email protected] , and I'll send you the updated script :)

Quick link to more information of this plug-in now on

User Manual [English comic version]:



  • Fixed bugs when applying automatic sizing when using components.
  • Added passage refresh button.


Chengdulittlea now update this plugin for Blender 2.93/3.0!


  • Support automatic margin centering of all characters, meanwhile vertical direction can be locked to accomondate latin characters that doesn't really have fixed base line and height.
  • Included 5 charset for convenience: 简体中文GB2312, Latin and Latin extended, Japanese(假名), Full Width Symbols, CJK Symbols.


Chengdulittlea now update this plugin for Blender 2.8!


  • Tiling feature, good for translating images into glyph.
  • All purchases now has extended feature! No more versioning!
  • Adjusted price to $10 USD


LAGPF is a Grease Pencil to Font utility tool developed by ChengduLittleA.

twitter @chengdulittlea

  • Character component system enables a fast edit among characters that have a similar component with each other. Chinese character component table included (Also useful for Japanese characters.)
  • Choose the characters you need, use LAGPF in Blender2.8, write all of them, and export those characters into TrueType font file in one click!
  • Use any passages you like to write. No need to write the same character more than once. You can also choose several characters instead of the whole character table to write.
  • Use sculpt and stroke edit to adjust characters. All changes are synchronized with the character table.
  • Use grease pencil modifiers to generate stylized characters.
  • You own the font. Font generated with LAGPF doesn't have a copyright issue. ChengduLittleA will not add any digital identification data in fonts generated with LAGPF.
  • You can write everything that appears in Unicode. Even including emojis.



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  • 使用LAGPF提供的偏旁部首以及变体功能,你能轻松制作系列化字符。相互链接的偏旁部首数据使得在制作周期中任何时候的修改都变得容易。
  • 可以使用任何你喜欢的文章为字符表书写。LAGPF工具能够保证你不需要重复书写已经写过的字。因此可以按需生成少数特定字符的字体。
  • 可以任意调节字的笔触,任何改动将会同步更新到字符表中。
  • 可以使用蜡笔修改器对笔触进行统一改动,快速生成风格化字体将变得十分容易!
  •  你可以随意使用LAGPF工具制作的所有字体而无需担心版权问题。LAGPF工具不依赖第三方闭源软件,小A也不在生成的文件中加入水印和识别信息。
  • 使用Unicode编码,你可以书写Unicode字符表囊括的全部字符,甚至包括Emoji。

用户手册 [中文漫画版]:


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Sales 40+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 6 years ago
Software Version 2.93
License GPL
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