Just Panels

by Gabe in Addons

Just Panels addon documentation:

Getting started:

The just panels product comes with an addon, separated from the assets zip folder, you have to install it like every other addon (Don't Unzip it), go to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> Install  ;  find the path of the addon zip folder that you downloaded to your device.

You can find the addon's interface in the N Panel section of the 3D Viewport once you enable the addon. You can also open it in a pie menu (default hotkey is ALT+K, you can configure this in the addon preferences)

Using the addon:

There are 4 main types of panels you can create with the addon:

  • "Make Panel"
  • "Make Panel (2D)"
  • "Make Panel (Slice)"
  • "Make Panel From Faces" (Edit mode)

Here is what each type of panel does:

Make Panel: Takes 2 or more objects and cuts a panel line in the last selected object based off where those objects intersect, non-destructively.

Make Panel (2D): Does the same as Make Panel, but instead of using 3D objects you will have to use a 2D shape that will be projected onto the object, you can change the addon preferences to specify if the 2D panel should point to the target object or just project downwards. The upsides are that you can specify the panel depth and use a better beveling method that only bevels the lateral edges.

Make Panel (Slice): This is more or less an experimental way to create panels, it separates the object into 2 separate objects that can be easily beveled, leading to a smooth panel line.

Make Panel From Faces: Unlike the other methods, this method of creating panels is additive, separating and extruding one or multiple selected faces and adding a bevel modifier to get a smooth result.

Make Panel (3D Printable): This method of creating panels creates a panel that is connected to the original mesh, giving a 3D printable result.

Addon preferences:

The addon has a list of checkboxes and fields that dictate the behavior of the addon. If you don't know what something does, hover over it, a tooltip  explaining it will appear.

Sales 500+
Customer Ratings 6
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
License GPL
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