Import Csv

a python script in Addons


  • Import CSV data into the point domain of a newly created mesh
  • Export random CSV data for quick prototyping and testing
  • Ideal for visualizing CSV data with Geometry Nodes
  • Shader Development using Named Attributes


  • Install the downloaded .zip file as usual via Preferences -> Add-ons -> Install...
  • After installing, activate the add-on by ticking the checkmark


See product images for visual explanations.

In the right sidebar of the 3D viewport there will be a new category called "CSV" with a panel with two buttons:

  1. Import CSV...: Choose a .csv file to import
  2. Export Random CSV...: Export a 6x1000 (columns x rows) .csv file with random data

A new object with a new mesh is created during import. Exactly one vertex is generated for each row in the CSV data (all vertices share the same position [0, 0, 0]). For each column a Named Attribute with the same name will be created on the mesh. Additionally, a column csv_data_row_index is created, which represents the index of the original CSV data. The CSV data are imported into the Point Domain and stored as float.

Make sure that your file is a valid .csv file. The button Export Random CSV... can be used to generate an example of a valid file. When importing, also make sure that the correct Delimiter is set in the file dialog.


  • CSV source data must be interpretable as float since the data will be converted to float


Some basic Geometry Nodes Trees (line diagram, bar chart, pie chart) are planned as usage examples for the future.


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Sales 30+
Published 11 months ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL