Iclone's Face Puppet In Blender! - Best Facial Animation Tool

by Alex Quill in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 1 rating by the community.

  • Jeremy McCloud
    3 months ago


    I love iClone and Character Creator, and while we have the CC Tools for Blender to import our characters, it is such a HASSLE to tweak and animate expressions with your shape keys in Blender. It's also a hassle having to go back and forth between Blender and iClone to get the expressions you want. Even so, it's just not the same as in Blender, where you can see your character already placed in your scene with the lighting you want.

    Well, this addon solves exactly that, and it is truly AMAZING!

    You basically get the face puppet tool that you love in iClone, and can now use it INSIDE of Blender. Simply follow the instructions in the documentation, drag a file in iClone and export your model, import it into Blender and use the N-Panel to set it up. It works EXTREMELY well! Very easy to animate your expressions with this AND you'll get to see instantly what it will look like in your scene.

    You can mix and match different expressions, with icons that clearly represent which area of the face they affect. You just hit record and play and you see the results in real time. Another cool thing you can do is select several icons and animate their expressions at the same time if you wanted.

    With that said, on my first use, I had missed something in the instructions that caused it not to work. I reached out to the developer for help that provided excellent support! He showed me how to fix the issue in my blend file, but it could have easily been avoided if I had more closely followed the directions and the screen shots. I'd suggest reading the FAQ as well.

    Overall, this is a must have addon for anyone working with Blender and iClone and I highly recommend it!

    • Sergey Khorovodov

      3 months ago

      Thank you very much for the detailed review! And thank you for reaching out, I'm always happy to help! I hope this addon serves you well in many animation projects

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Sales 40+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 4 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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