
by ICity in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 14 ratings by the community.

  • Uwe Kreuzahler
    5 days ago

    I was really excited when I bought iCity, but it turned out to be super frustrating. Making just four simple blocks, using iCity, ended up with a huge 1.8GB blend file.
    And when I tried to save it, I got warnings about missing textures.

    I tried getting help on Discord, but no one responded. I saw lots of other unanswered posts, including mine about the missing textures.

    In the end, I think the idea of this addon is cool, but it feels like it should be a beta version, not a finished product. I hope the developers fix it soon because right now, it's not very useful.

  • Tony Grant
    12 days ago

    Great layout and design. This could be a game changer within a few updates. If anyone knows how to conver to live 3D mesh, please let me know! Reached out to Dev but don't want to boggle him down with too many questions. If anyone can answer please help. Thanks.

  • DockYo
    19 days ago

    This is a great addon. I've never seen a city addon like this. However... I do seen room for improvements.

    The big one being... The blend file size increased to 1.8GB due to numerous duplicate textures. I had to manually optimize and remove these duplicate textures, which took me four hours. Blender lacks an efficient tool for removing multiple identical textures, making this process quite time-consuming.

  • Novaplus
    24 days ago

    - A powerful tool for creating stunning scenes, particularly urban environments.
    - Enables optimization of scenes for faster rendering by reducing geometry complexity and excluding objects from rendering.
    - Easy to use even for beginners.

    Requested Improvements:
    - Geometry Node to Editable Mesh Conversion: This feature would allow users to edit the geometry of nodes with greater precision, which is especially useful for optimizing scenes for rendering. By converting geometry nodes to editable meshes, the amount of geometry in the scene can be reduced, which can significantly improve rendering performance.

    - Camera Culling Implementation: This feature would automatically exclude objects from rendering that are not within the camera's view frustum. This would be especially beneficial for heavy scenes with many objects as it could drastically reduce render time.

  • Paul Webb
    27 days ago

    I've been looking for a city generator for ages - I am a hobbyist and just like to show things together quickly so i can produce results and work on the creative side of things. This addon allows me to do that!! looks great both far away and up close. Road textures especially i really like.
    It is not perfect... but no add on is... and this is only 1.0. Really looking forward to sticking close to this addon as it continues to grow and develop. If you need a city this comes recommended.

  • Bassem Adel
    29 days ago

    If you didn't buy this addon , you will miss a lot , even if you don't need buildings in your workflow , A MUST HAVE! , it is cityengine but on steroids , fully detailed yet optimized models , trees , benches , even porper park designs ! it works on Ngons! , it follows planning rules that you can literraly render very closely inside the city without any worries , unlike alternatives

    BUY IT NOW !

  • thegreattank
    about 1 month ago

    Amazing stuff !

  • stilllovemax
    about 1 month ago


  • Steve J
    about 1 month ago

    iCity is simply brilliant. Even as a v1.0 'beta', it works really well and looks great. Dead easy to use, and comprehensive in terms if assets and building variety. I can't wait to see how this improves. Was a bit dubious about buying it, but have zero regrets. Pair it with things like Polygoniq's Traffiq vehicles and Difffuse Studio's Procedural Crowds for instant, realistic cityscapes.

  • Trusty
    about 1 month ago

    This is a game changer, the best money I've ever spent on a blender addon

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Sales 800+
Customer Ratings 14
Average Rating
Published about 1 month ago
Blender Version 4.1
License GPL
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