Horizon Panels

by Pixel Egg Studio in Addons

What's Horizon Panels?

Horizon Panels is a Blender add-on to manage N-panels intuitively.

Why Horizon Panels?

We use add-on very day with Blender, and we use N-panels, but the initial design of N-panels has some design issues. Here are the main two of them:

  • There is no enough space to show all tabs while the N-panels increase
  • N-panels tabs are shown vertically, this make user hard to read them

So I made Horizon Panels, which solves this two main issues.

With Horizon Panels, you don't need to remember any hotkeys, just use the
intuitive UI we provide.


Organize Tabs in Category

No need to manage category in add-on preferences window, just in place.

Manage Panels Tab In Category Is Easy

Toggle checkbox to add or remove panels in a category.

Multiple N-panels In Horizontal Tab

Some tabs have multiple N-panels, there is no problem to show multiple panels in horizontal tabs, you can choose which panel to show while clicking tabs.

All Categories Synced Between Multiple Versions of Blender

You don't need to setup category per Blender version, the categories are automatically synced between multi Blender versions. It saves you a lot time.


In 3D View port, the horizon tabs only response to mouse click in object mode, and edit mode, because other modes like paint mode, sculpt mode block mouse event form other add-ons.

But you still can use the original N-panels tabs in paint mode, sculpt mode etc.

Join our Discord to report bugs or share your feedback.

Here is the development plan. You can request more features to me, I will add them into the development plan.

People in the community also discuss Blender here.

I announce updates on Twitter.

You may also like our other add-ons on Blender Market.


  • Fixed error while accessing preference's selected categroy value which has invalid value

  • Fixed drawing not working in Blender 4.3

  • Fixed shows nothing in Blender 3.x

  • Fixed hidding UI elememnts in Save/Export/Import dialogs

  • Fixed panel header not show in tabs

  • Fixed error for Blender 4.0

  • Fixed getting wrong viewport size in drawing

  • Migrate from bgl to gpu module
  • Supports Blender 4.0 and newer

  • Fixed blf.size() parameters convertion error from float to int

  • Fixed left panels of file browser is missing

  • Fixed not compatible with BlenRig6

  • Fixed subpanels order is random after turn off Horizon Panel

  • Fixed subpanels order issues

  • Fixed some subpanels can not register especially for Blenderkit's subpanels

  • Fixed N-panels not shows up after loading multiple blend file in the same blender session

  • Fixed custom colors difference in final render result


  • Fixed color not save after restart Blender

  • Add UI resolution scale in add-on preferences

  • Add an option to turn off Horizon Panels in main panel

  • Add key bindings to switch to next category and previous category
  • Fixed GPU uniform not found error on M1 Mac

  • Color customization for bottom tabs UI

  • Initial release


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Sales 100+
9 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9
License GPL